Scoring in Mah-Jongg

One Point

平和 Ping-Hu (no triples, no words as mah-jongg)

斷么 Dwang-Yao (no ones, nines or words)

缺一門 Chwe-Yi-Mun (no words, lacking one suit)

將 Jiang (mah-jongg is a pair of twos, fives or eights)

一般高 Yi-Ban-Gao (two duplicate runs)

兩暗嵌 Liang-An-Kan (two triples in hand)

老少 Lao-Sao (123-789 of the same suit)

四歸一 Sze-Gue-Yi (four identical tiles spread over 2 clusters)

兩風 Liang-Fong (two triples of winds)

三五 San-Wu (hand contains three fives of different suits)

二色龍 Er-Suh-Long (yi-tiao-long but in two suits)

門清 Mung-Ching (no clusters laid out, wins on discard)

自摸 Dze-Muo (draw winning tile)

槓上花 Gan-San-Hwa (dze-muo on kai-gan)

槓上砲 Gan-San-Pao (wins when someone discards kai-gan)

搶槓 Chiang-Gan (if have triple down, pick up a fourth, kai-gan, someone grabs the fourth to win)

海底撈 Hai-Di-Lao (dze-muo on last piece)

海底砲 Hai-Di-Pao (wins on last discard)

攔和 Lan-Hu (block someone else's win)

絕張 Jue-Dzang (wins on a piece, other three of which are discarded)

獨聽 Du-Ting (waiting for only one tile)

缺五 Chwe-Wu (no fives)

嵌心五 Kan-Shing-Wu (wins on five with du-ting)

清四碰 Ching-Sze-Pong (pong four times, last pong occurs at win, due-due-hu is immediate)

對碰 Due-Pong (two pairs before win, other tiles arbitrary)

Two points

老少碰 Lao-Sao-Pong (triples of ones and nines in the same suit)

帶尾 Dai-Weh (two triples and mah-jongg of same rank, or three consecutive ranks of same suit in two triples and mah-jongg)

一元半 Yi-Yuan-Ban (yuans in a triple and in mah-jongg)

雙絕 Swang-Jue (waiting for two pieces, seven of which are discarded)

半求人 Ban-Cho-Ren (four clusters laid out, mah-jongg in hand, must be dze-muo)

海底撈月 Hai-Di-Lao-Yue (hai-di-lao with one-tong)

海底撈針 Hai-Di-Lao-Dzeng (hai-di-lao with two-tiao)

槓上花 Gan-San-Hwa (dze-muo on kai-gan with five-tong)

Three points

兩風半 Liang-Fong-Ban (winds in two triples and in mah-jongg)

四歸二 Sze-Gue-Er (four identical tiles spread over 3 clusters)

全求人 Chwen-Cho-Ren (all five clusters obtained from others)

兩槓 Liang-Gan (two quads)

門清不求 Mung-Ching-Bu-Cho (no clusters out and dze-muo)

Four points

一條龍 Yi-Tiao-Long (all ranks of one suit represented in three runs)

姐妹花 Jie-Mei-Hwa (three runs of the same rank in three different suits)

對對和 Due-Due-Hu (all triples)

混一色 Hweng-Yi-Suh (missing two suits, words permitted)

五門齊 Wu-Mung-Chi (one cluster for each house)

混帶么 Hweng-Dai-Yao (ones, nines and words in every cluster)

清帶么 Ching-Dai-Yao (ones and nines in every cluster)

三暗嵌 San-An-Kan (three triples in hand)

Five Points

二元 Er-Yuan (yuans in two triples)

節節高 Jie-Jie-Gao (three consecutive runs of same suit)

Six Points

雙條龍 Swang-Tiao-Long (yi-tiao-long with duplicate run)

雙姐妹花 Swang-Jie-Mei-Hwa (jei-mei-hwa with duplicate run)

三般高 San-Ban-Gao (three consecutive triples of same suit)

雙四歸一 Swang-Sze-Gue-Yi (two sze-gue-yi spread over 9 tiles)

Eight Points

三風碰 San-Fong-Pong (winds in three triples)

姐妹碰 Jie-Mei-Pong (three triples of same rank, or three triples of same suit in consecutive rank)

雙四歸一 Swang-Sze-Gue-Yi (two sze-gue-yi spread over 12 tiles)

三槓 San-Gan (three quads)

Ten Points

雙標 Swang-Biao (two lao-sao)

小三元 Shiao-San-Yuan (yuans in two triples and mah-jongg)

雙帶尾 Swang-Dai-Wei (two dai-wei)

Fifteen Points

三數 San-Soo (only three ranks used, winds count as one rank, as do yuan)

三個四歸一 San-Guh-Sze-Gue-Yi (three sze-gue-yi)

全帶 Chwen-Dai (single rank present in all clusters)

雙龍抱 Swang-Long-Bao (two yi-ban-gao)

姐妹槓 Jie-Mei-Gan (jie-mei-pong with quads)

Eighteen points

連三數 Lien-San-Soo (san-soo with three consecutive ranks, no words)

Twenty Points

清一色 Ching-Yi-Suh (everything in one suit)

全字碰 Chuan-Dze-Pong (all words)

混么碰 Hweng-Yao-Pong (only ones, nines and words in every cluster)

Twenty-four points

四暗嵌 Sze-An-Kan (four triples in hand)

四歸四 Sze-Gue-Sze (all four of one tile spread over four clusters)

Twenty-eight points

大三元 Da-San-Yuan (three triples of yuan)

雙老少碰 Swang-Lao-Sao-Pong (two sets of lao-sao-pong)

Thirty points

十三么 Sze-San-Yao (all ones, nines and words)

Forty points

二數 Er-Soo (only two ranks used, winds counting as one rank, as do yuan)

全帶九 Chuan-Dai-Jiu (nines appear in all clusters)

將將碰 Jiang-Jiang-Pong (clusters contains only twos, fives and eights)

小四喜 Shiao-Sze-Shi (3 clusters of winds, mah-jongg of winds)

雙四歸四 Swang-Sze-Gue-Sze (all four of two tiles spread over four clusters)

Fifty Points

大四喜 Da-Sze-Shi (four clusters of winds, mah-jongg not needed)

全字碰 Chuan-Dze-Pong (all words)

雙老少碰 Swang-Lao-Sao-Pong (swang-lao-sao-pong and er-soo)

十二金釵 Sze-Er-Jin-Tsai (four consecutive triples of same rank)

Sixty Points

三個四歸四 San-Sze-Gue-Sze (four identical runs)

天和 Tien-Hu (dealer wins immediately)

地和 Di-Hu (wins on first draw)

人和 Ren-Hu (wins on first discard)

十八羅漢 Sze-Ba-Luo-Hang (four quads, mah-jongg not needed)