Course Summary
As the name suggests, Math 231 (Calculus II) is a second course in calculus. The course meets en masse for lecture twice per week and breaks into six smaller discussion sections twice per week.
We'll begin by covering several techniques in integration. After a quick application to exponential growth and decay, we'll then move to infinite series, reviewing what it means for a series to converge and also tackling the problem of infinite sums. We'll use this to express `crazy' functions as (infinite) sums of certain `nice' functions like polynomials or sines and cosines; you might know this kind of decomposition as Taylor and Fourier series. We'll finish the semester by talking about coordinate changes, particularly dealing with parametric equations and non-rectangular coordinate systems. The course meets en masse for lecture twice per week and breaks into six smaller discussion sections twice per week.
Course Instructor
The course is taught by Andy Schultz. His office is on the second floor of the Illini Hall, room 238. You can contact him by email at . His office hours are held from 2:30 to 3:30 on Mondays and Wednesdays; if he's not in his office then, there should be a note on his door telling you where to meet him.
Each of the discussion section leaders will also be holding office hours. You may attend the office hour of any section leader you like; you are not limited to attending the office hour(s) of your section leader.
- Supawadee Prugsapitak (, 223 Illini Hall): Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3-4.
- Anna Fricano (, 01 Coble Hall): Tuesdays from 2-3.
- Austin Rochford (, B1 Coble Hall): Wednesdays from 3-4.
- Eunmi Kim (, 108 Altgeld Hall): Mondays from 11 to noon and Thursdays from 4-5.
The university also sponsors some tutoring programs to give you extra assistance if you need it. You can find out more information about these services here.